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Z Wikiźródeł, wolnej biblioteki
User language
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
Users by language
2,700+This user has made over 2,700 contributions to Wikimedia projects .
Wikimedia logo family Ha2772a is the unique login of this user for all public Wikimedia projects.

This user has a page on the English Wikipedia.

Ta osoba posiada własną stronę na en-Wikipedia.

Ta osoba posiada własną stronę na Wikidata.

This user has a page on the English Wikisource.

Ta osoba posiada własną stronę na en-Wikisource.

Ta osoba posiada własną stronę na Wikimedia Commons.

The time of this user now is: 2024-07-17 21:07 UTC-4
This user comes from
the United States.

This user is a member of the LGBT community.
This user loves Wikidata.